We are headline sponsors of the ISE Diversity & Inclusion Event this November!

We are delighted to announce that we will be the headline sponsors of the upcoming ISE Diversity & Inclusion event, taking place on Wednesday 17th and Thursday 18th November 2021. The ISE has developed this important event for early careers professionals and will cover a range of topics including social mobility, gender diversity, LGBTQ+ and disability representation.
Headline Sponsors
As sponsors of this exciting event, we will be speaking during the welcome talk, plus running a session which will feature new report findings and a STEM Women community panel.
In the welcome talk Sophie Chadwick, Events Manager at STEM Women, will introduce our company, our goals, who we support, who we work with and she will outline our exciting plans for the future.
Sophie and STEM Women Director, Stephen Rooney will then host an exclusive 45-minute session which will focus on a number of key topics surrounding how companies can work towards attracting more women into STEM roles.
- Exclusive findings from our latest Whitepaper – Using the attendee data from our autumn 2021 event seasons we will discuss attitudes towards gender initiatives, trends attributed to the pandemic and much more.
- The key topics that arose during our 8 autumn panel sessions – During our event season, we hosted 8 panel sessions made up of representatives working in STEM. We will highlight the key themes that arose including imposter syndrome, job confidence and navigating the workplace.
- STEM Women student panel – Lastly, we have invited 5 student members of our STEM Women community to join a panel session which will enable the audience to gain an in-depth understanding of how students feel about a range of issues. Crucially we will explore the ways in which employers can overcome some of the barriers that students perceive. We will be discussing diversity targets, barriers to entering STEM workforce and much more.
The student panelists –
Emily Pham, in her final year studying Computer Science at the University of Essex.
Emily is a huge advocate for diversity and inclusion and self-improvement. She started the Women in STEM Society at her University during the beginning of the pandemic and it went onto win, as well as be nominated for, multiple awards for Raising and Giving, Most Community Focused, Opportunities for All and more during its first year of running. She secured a Cloud Computing internship this Summer with Infosys, and currently holds multiple offers for graduate software engineering positions.
Niki Kotecha, final year Chemical Engineering student at the University of Cambridge.
“I’m really looking forward to being part of the panel discussion and sharing my experiences as a female in STEM. I can’t wait to explore issues with other panelists around how employers could help overcome some of the barriers or how diversity activities may be perceived at times.
Tanya Morris, second year student studying Computer Science at Fitzwilliam College, the University of Cambridge.
“My name is Tanya and I study Computer Science at the University of Cambridge. An interesting fact about me is that I run a twitter account debunking myths about studying here!”
Olivia Roberts, Masters student in Infection and Immunity at the University of Liverpool.
Hi, my name is Olivia Roberts and I’m currently studying for a master’s in Infection and Immunity at the University of Liverpool. I am looking forward to speaking to employers, with other women in science, to hopefully share thoughts on getting more women into STEM roles.
Shivangi Varshney, Masters graduate in Investment and Wealth Management from Imperial College Business School.
I am an Imperial College Business School Graduate with a specialization in Investment and Wealth Management and expect an overall Distinction. I completed my undergraduate studies in Bachelor of technology with Computer Science and Engineering (Hons) where I learnt analytical and programming skills. Lately, I have also interned in the capacities of a research analyst with Marsham Investment Management (a prestigious wealth management boutique firm from Russia) and Sun Global Investments (an Asian Investments company). I enjoy participating in charitable activities such as curation of events such as TED talks. I am also associated with organizations focused on the eradication of plastic pollution and encouraging women in finance.
Our session will end with a round up of all the key themes and topics discussed throughout our jam-packed presentation! We can’t wait to sponsor this amazing event and hope to share our insights with the ISE community.
Sophie Chadwick, STEM Women Events Host:
“At STEM Women, we are really looking forward to sponsoring this hugely important event. We have been working hard to put together an insightful session that will explore the challenges and barriers young women face when entering into the STEM workforce.”
STEM Women
We run virtual and hybrid careers events aimed at STEM students and recent graduates who identify as female and non-binary. Our event platform enables students to watch live employer presentations, apply for internships and graduate roles, and network 1-1 with employers via chat, voice and video call. Over 17,000 students have signed up to an event since 2020. We also offer a range of digital and sponsorship options.