Top Women in STEM TED Talks and Podcasts

Inspiring STEM talks and podcasts
We are always looking to provide new resources to our communities. We are creating a list of TED talks and podcasts that come highly recommended by us or by women in our communities. If you’d like to add to the list please drop me an email at
1. Growing up in STEM – as a girl: Cassidy Williams at TEDxDesMoinesWomen. Iowa State University Computer Scientist Cassidy Williams was often the only girl in the room. She shares her story of pursuing her passion as a model for encouraging women in STEM.
2. The Future of STEM Depends on Diversity by Nicole Cabrera Salazar at TEDxGeorgiaStateU. Nicole highlights the need for diversity in STEM industries.
3. Your body language may shape who you are by Amy Cuddy. Social psychologist Amy Cuddy argues that “power posing” — standing in a posture of confidence, even when we don’t feel confident — can boost feelings of confidence, and might have an impact on our chances for success.
4. Inspiring the next generation of female engineers by Debbie Sterling. Debbie Sterling is an engineer and founder of GoldieBlox, a toy company out to inspire the next generation of female engineers. She has made it her mission in life to tackle the gender gap in science, technology, engineering and math.
5. Femmes of STEM host Michelle Barboza-Ramirez uses podcasting as a platform to retrace the steps of women scientists who have gone largely unacknowledged throughout history.
6. The host of STEMxm, Mel, says she came to her career as an engineer later in life. She started her podcast as a way showcase women and minorities as role models as well as be a resource for others interested in pursuing STEM careers.
7. The Breakdown of Women in STEM | Jess Ellis | TEDxCSM. (Recommended by Jodie Murray on LinkedIn). Why are there so few women and minorities in STEM fields and with STEM degrees? Dr. Jess Ellis explains her findings.