Meet the Speakers – UK Wide Virtual STEM Careers Event – October 2022

On Wednesday 5th October, we are running our UK Wide STEM Careers Event! Taking place on our virtual events platform, this event is perfect for students and graduates studying a STEM (science, technology, engineering, or mathematics) related course, based across the whole of the UK.
One of our largest events to date, we have 45 fantastic exhibitors signed up to this event, all looking to network with attendees, promote their roles and inspire. During the day, 12 employers will also be presenting live sessions, with some also sitting on our panel discussion.
Speakers will talk about their personal experiences of working in their industry, the exciting opportunities available at their company and what graduates can expect when applying for roles!
Meet our speakers!
“An insight to what life as a lawyer looks like at Clifford Chance. I’ll be discussing what opportunities are available to you no matter what degree background you come from!” – Chloe Hatchett Sparkes, Clifford Chance
“I will be covering my career and what it is like to work for one of the biggest energy companies as a female lead in IT.” – Hope Jack, RWE
“As a chemistry consultant I focus on advising clients on how to solve chemistry and material science problems. For instance, when a client wants to move to using sustainable materials, my role is to understand their requirements and analyse materials to test whether they would be suitable for their needs. I find the work fascinating because I can both work in the lab and research cutting edge technologies.” – Joanna Starkie, Chemistry Consultant at PA Consulting.
The Panel Discussion
At 12:20pm, we will begin our panel discussion which will feature: Emma Marsden from Waters, Marisa Patel from MBDA, Anu Solanki from PA Consulting, Ruth Cummings from Baillie Gifford, Beth Mullen from Capital One, and a representative from Virgin Media 02.
The Event Agenda
Noon – Event begins in the ‘Live Presentations’ area, with a welcome talk from STEM Women.
12.20pm – Panel discussion with women working in STEM. Ask questions and gain a fascinating first hand insight from inspiring panelists.
1:00pm – Live networking begins and continues until the event ends. Attendees can visit company stands, network with employers and search live jobs!
1:30pm – Employer insight talk from a representative at MI5/MI6/GCHQ.
1:45pm – Employer insight talk from Zoe Radics-Saunders, Engineering Lead, Enterprise Technology at Schroders.
2pm – Employer insight talk from Marisa Patel, Graduate Software Engineer and Alison Poulton, HR Advisor – Early Careers at MBDA.
2.15pm – Employer insight talk from Emma Marsden, Product Manager at Waters.
2:30pm – Employer insight talk from David Cole, Director of Project Solutions and Nicola Wood, Strategy and Innovation Project Solutions Manager at KBR.
2:45pm – Employer insight talk from Hope Jack, Team Lead MFP-ED at RWE.
3pm – Employer insight talk from Chloe Hatchett Sparkes, Graduate Recruitment Specialist at Clifford Chance.
3:15pm – Employer insight talk from Jackie Anderson and Russell Glencross at Baillie Gifford.
3:30pm – Employer insight talk from representatives at Capital One.
3:45pm – Employer insight talk from Joanna Starkie, Chemistry Consultant at PA Consulting.
4pm – Employer insight talk from Charlotte Longden at Virgin Media
4:15pm – Employer insight talk from Ellie Cox, Technology Risk Consultant at EY.
4:30pm – Event ends.
STEM Women Events
If you’re a student or recent graduate, there is still time to register for your free ticket to this event.
We are also hosting a number events for attendees and employers based in the UK, Ireland, and the Benelux Region this autumn and in 2023. Take a look at our events line up for more information!
There are also still spaces available for employers looking to exhibit at this event and our upcoming events. Get in touch with Event Sales Manager, Lauren Jenkins by emailing