Event Blog: London February 2019 @ the Congress Centre

Blog: London Community Event 20th February 2019
At our first event in 2019 we welcomed and 22 employers to Congress Centre, London.
The event began with a talk from our event sponsor, NatWest Markets, and was followed by an interview skills session with Dr Emily Grossman.
Students then networked with exhibitors and everyone enjoyed a hot canape lunch before selecting an employer talks session to attend. Companies from a variety of industries exhibited, including Myrtle AI, ASR Group, FCA, PwC, Exxon Mobil, Acturis, KPMG, Sparta Global, Capita Resourcing, Willis Towers Watson and PSE.
EY, HSBC and Air Products spoke in the first employer talk session and were followed by representatives from Wipro, Infosys and EY in the second session. The sessions were very popular, with representatives speaking about their career, passing on tips to the students and answering questions from the audience.
We received positive feedback from many employers, including the following comments:
“I think attending these events allows us to understand the nature and breadth of skills we can potentially acquire from universities. It’s extremely important and really useful for us to get ‘first-hand’ experience and interaction with students and graduates to help understand their interests and aspirations.”
Anca Granz, Infosys
“I have to say, we’ve been coming to STEM women events for years now and I would absolutely recommend it. The quality of people we meet is fantastic, the atmosphere is very good natured and there’s a fantastic array of different activities that candidates can actually engage with in terms of helping to understand what employers are really looking for. The food is always fantastic as well!”
Alastair Marshall, Sparta Global
The events were also popular with the students…
“I would recommend coming to an event! It’s not something you get to do every day and when you are just making applications you don’t get to know the companies on an individual level. This is a great opportunity to do just that and find out more information that you might not find online. It’s also great to be able to say, ‘oh I met this person at a networking event’ when in an interview situation, you will sound more passionate!”
Inesa Sultonaite, BSc Mathematics, King’s College
“I was able to speak to so many people who code and who are in the industry, in the careers that I hope to be in one day. Hearing about how they got there was really encouraging to me and making those connections was a great opportunity for me. It’s great to be able to say you know someone who is in the field you want to be in.”
Chika Chima, University of East Anglia
We are looking forward to returning to the Congress Centre in October.
You can register your interest in our Autumn 2019 London Event here.