Event Review – Melbourne STEM Careers Event – 7th March 2023
On Tuesday 7th March, we ran our first in-person event in Australia, the Melbourne STEM Careers Event, at the State Library Victoria! Sponsored by the Department of Transport and Planning
Students and recent graduates...do not miss out on this incredible FREE opportunity!
Join us in Brisbane on the 25th March 2023 to network with outstanding graduate employers. network with 25 outstanding graduate employers in science, technology, engineering, financial services and consulting. We will provide each attendee with a full programme of exhibitors on the day.
Connect with STEM industry employers, enjoy inspirational live talks from exhibiting employers and ask questions during a panel discussion featuring representatives working in industry.
STEM Women has held over 70 inspiring events for STEM students and graduate employers since 2018. Attendees will be able to hear first-hand accounts from women working in a range of STEM related roles and be inspired to follow in their footsteps!
Event begins.
Welcome talk from STEM Women, our event sponsor, and a series of employer talks.
Panel discussion.
Networking at employer stalls.
Event ends.
Network with our exhibitors at their stalls any time from 12:10pm onwards until the end of the event. Browse stalls and chat with company reps.
We have hosted this event in previous years and had some great feedback from both employers and attendees. Check out our previous event reviews.
If you’d like to find out more about STEM Women’s event, digital services or recruitment services, send an enquiry today and our team will respond as soon as possible.