Event Review – UK Engineering Careers Event – September 2022

On Thursday 22nd September, we ran our final industry focused careers event of 2022, the UK Engineering Careers Event! This event was held online on our virtual events platform and attracted 17 companies from the engineering industry and over 700 students and graduates looking for roles and opportunities.
The event began at noon with a welcome talk from STEM Women events host Sophie Chadwick, followed by a fascinating panel discussion featuring women working in the engineering industry. Throughout the event, attendees could also network with employers via webchat and video call, browse company stalls and apply for opportunities. We also heard 4 inspiring speaker sessions from exhibiting companies!
The panel discussion
Chaired by Sophie Chadwick, we heard a fascinating panel discussion featuring Precious Adewale from MBDA and Philipa Kugonza from Rolls-Royce. Both panelists began by giving the audience an overview of their career journey and how they got their roles within engineering. The discussion then covered topic including imposter syndrome, the importance of speaking positivity over negativity and some of the misconceptions about working in engineering.
“Why do we limit ourselves and not realise our own self-worth? You are where you are today because of your accomplishments, and because you deserved it and did the work! I had to change my mindset, I see myself as having something new to bring to my company and role. I deserve to be here and I’m happy that I did that work to get here.” – Precious Adewale.
The speaker sessions
Throughout the afternoon, 4 employers presented speaker sessions which introduced the attendees to the companies and highlighted what opportunities they offer to students and graduates.
We heard from:
MI5 / MI6 / GCHQ – Representative.
Key topics: What it’s like to work for the Intelligence Services, the internship they offer and their focus on learning and development.
MBDA – Becky Simms, Senior Process Engineer.
Key topics: About MBDA and what they do, Becky’s career background and the key things she has learnt over her career.
Rolls-Royce – Vikki Townsend, Senior Patent Attorney.
Key topics: About the company and the engineering industries they cover, the internship and graduate program.
IPS – Dawn Chapman, Head of Process Mechanical Engineering.
Key topics: Who are IPS and where they are based, followed by an insight into Dawn’s personal careers journey and working as a process engineer.
“This event was a great experience; all the speakers and reps were lovely and communicated really well. I enjoyed the panel discussion at the start most, it was so inspiring to hear from real women working in engineering!” – Bronwyn Alexander, Aero-Mechanical Engineering, University of Strathclyde
Join us at a STEM Women Event!
We run a range of industry specific, general STEM and location specific careers events each year.
If you’re a student looking to register for your free ticket, take a look at our events line up – careers.stemwomen.com, and follow us on LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter and Facebook for event updates.
If you’re an employer interested in exhibiting at an upcoming event, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with Event Sales Manager, Lauren Jenkins by emailing laurenj@stemwomen.com, or fill out the form below. www.stemwomen.com.
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