Case Study – Bespoke Virtual Insight Event for Bloomberg

Aug 24, 2020 EventsResourcesStatistics & Data 4 minutes read

Targeted talent attraction through a bespoke STEM Women Virtual Event.

Working in partnership with Bloomberg, STEM Women organised a unique virtual insight event to assist with the company recruitment drive for their 2021 graduate and internship vacancies.

The Challenge
Attracting high calibre female candidates suitable for Bloomberg’s live graduate roles

Our client, Bloomberg, wanted to receive early applications for their 2021 graduate and internship vacancies. They were interested in speaking to female students and graduates from a technical or financial background with an interest in data, finance and technology. Specifically, they asked us to source candidates who are graduating in either 2021 or 2022, speak a second language, and have knowledge in C, C++, Java, Python, QLS or similar.

They were looking to network with over 30 high calibre candidates that showcased the potential to thrive within the business.

The Solution
An exclusive virtual insight event

To meet our client’s recruitment goal, we organised a unique virtual insight event that was exclusively targeted towards their candidate specifications. Using our extensive STEM Women community databases, our sourcing team worked hard to narrow down attendee lists and focus specifically on the important skills that Bloomberg were looking for.

Attendees were split into three groups based on their course and interests, meaning that Bloomberg could deliver a bespoke talk for each group that focused on the career opportunities that were most appropriate. Each attendee was also given resources from Bloomberg so they could research the company and effectively prepare for the event.

Hosted on an innovative platform and taking place on 5th August 2020 between noon and 4pm, the event allowed attendees to hear a live presentation followed by a Q&A session. This was followed by a networking session that allowed the students to begin a webchat with a member of the recruitment team that could be progressed into a voice or video call. The students could then read further information about Bloomberg, watch video content and apply for jobs, all within the event platform.

The Results
60 high calibre attendees, over 54 e-conversations and 27 job applications

The event was a huge success for our client. A total of 60 attendees logged on throughout the day, far higher than Bloomberg’s initial target of 36 participants. The recruitment team had 54 webchats with potential candidates with many progressed to video calls. Following the event, Bloomberg received 27 job applications and are in the processes of progressing the candidates.

Our client was delighted with the calibre of the attendees and highlighted how effective the online platform was on the day of the event. Attendees gave the event an average rating of 4.6 stars out of 5 and praised how well the day was organised. The students highlighted that they enjoyed the live chat with recruiters and the insightful presentation. 85% of attendees said they were likely to recommend a STEM Women event to their course mates.

This event had a great structure for the information provided about Bloomberg. It was great learning a little bit more about the company and roles. A must if you’re looking for valuable insights and applying for a role.
Alexis Baka, Data Analytics Student at Northumbria University

“It was great to partner with STEM Women to virtually engage with 54 university students and recent graduates. As always the STEM Women team were super helpful in planning, sourcing and helping us successfully execute the event.”
Alissa Garland, EMEA Talent Co-Ordinator at Bloomberg

If you are a student or graduate and missed out on this Bloomberg event but would like to learn more then please visit or apply for their Masterclass at

Like the sound of a bespoke careers event? Get in touch with our team today and discover how we can help your recruitment drive. Email