Meet the speakers – London STEM Women Graduate Careers Event – 21st June 2023

Jun 19, 2023 Events 3 minutes read

On Wednesday 21st June, we are running our London STEM Women Graduate Careers event at Congress Centre in London. The event is perfect for students and graduates studying a STEM (science, technology, engineering, or mathematics) related course.

We’ll have 27 exhibiting employers taking part in the event! During the day, 3 companies will also be delivering live presentations, and representatives will share their tips and insights in a panel discussion.

12.00pm – The event will begin, with attendees able to register and head to the theatre for the first speaker session.

12.15pm – With networking getting under way in the main room, our first speaker session will begin in the theatre:

  • The session will start with a welcome talk from STEM Women, followed by an insight talk from Dr Ashish Darbari, Founder and CEO of Axiomise. Highlighting some of the insights from his upcoming presentation, Dr Darbari explained:

“Modern-day chips with hundreds of billions of transistors are enormously complex. We are never far away from an electronic chip. Surrounded by the Internet of Things, it is important to ensure that the chips that power these are safe and secure. Test and verification consume 70% of the overall cost of a chip design, and time-to-market is always shrinking. 

Formal methods are the only way of building exhaustive, mathematical proofs of bug absence. Along the way, they find corner-case bugs quickly, saving enormous time and ensuring bug escapes do not occur. 

 Axiomise is headquartered in the UK and empowers the semiconductor industry through a unique deployment of training, consulting & services and custom apps based on formal verification. My presentation will provide an overview of the Axiomise story and why you should come and work for us.”

  • This will be followed by a further insight talk from Dr Rachael Meade, Engineering Transformation Lead at AWE, who will deliver a talk titled ‘Why falling over can be the best thing’.
  • We will end with a talk from Katherine Montgomery, Process Automation Manager at Diageo.

Kathrine says “I’ll be discussing my time on the Diageo Supply graduate scheme and completing rotations across four different countries (England, Scotland, Ireland, Hungary) and four separate functions (Manufacturing, Planning & Logistics and Engineering) before ending up in my current role”.

1:05pm – Live networking continues until the event ends at 4:30pm. Attendees can visit company stands, network with employers and find out about jobs and internship opportunities.

2:05pm – Axiomise, AWE and Diageo representatives will take part in a panel discussion in the theatre, sharing their tips and expertise with attendees.

2:30pm – Networking continues until 4.30pm

4:30pm – Event ends.

We are also hosting an online event on 28th June as well as a new programme of in-person events across the UK and Ireland in Autumn 2023. Take a look at our events line up for more information!

To enquire about exhibiting at our upcoming events, get in touch with Event Sales Manager, Lauren Jenkins by emailing