Graduate and Intern Placements at Procter & Gamble
Day 1. It’s something everyone experiences when they join a new company, whether they’re a student, a recent graduate or a seasoned professional. P&G’s Day 1 starts with you doing something that matters – making an impact on the world, P&G brands, and your career. P&G’s internships offer a truly unique experience. There are many reasons to apply, including the opportunity to work with exceptional, innovative, industry experts from all over the world who will elevate your thinking on a daily basis. You’ll also meet with leadership and impact real projects like a true P&Ger—all while receiving a competitive pay and having fun with interns like you. P&G also offer graduate roles within brand management, sales, finance and accounting, engineering, information technology, supply chain logistics, and business administration. So whether you’re looking for jobs for IT or engineering students, or jobs for science or marketing majors, or you’re an MBA ready for your first role, you can find a fulfilling and challenging career at P&G.

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Why Choose P&G
P&G hire based on the potential they see in people, so you’ll be trusted to dive right in, take the lead, use your initiative, and build billion-dollar brands that help make everyday activities easier and make the world a better place. You’ll be doing meaningful work that takes your career places you never imagined.

Career Insights
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Ut a lobortis ante. Donec tempor odio arcu. Vivamus ornare massa nunc, in luctus nulla luctus non. Nunc ac justo sem. Sed orci mi, vehicula ac mauris a, dapibus efficitur quam. Pellentesque porta volutpat mauris ut ornare. In ullamcorper, neque eu ornare posuere, sem nibh commodo dolor, in dapibus odio massa nec ipsum. Sed quis nisi urna. Phasellus pretium, velit a consequat ultricies, est magna semper velit, feugiat fermentum neque lacus et justo.
Work Culture & Rewarding Excellence
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque facilisis velit quis lobortis rhoncus. Maecenas arcu tellus, porttitor a lacus lacinia, maximus ultricies est. Mauris ut gravida sem. Donec hendrerit nisi a est rutrum viverra.